Aug 27, 2011

Keep the change... to yourself, please!

Love is not blind. As much as we love the kind of people we have in our lives, as humans, there's always a constant need to change certain things about them. Those things about them that really annoy us. If we want then to change things about people, we are not accepting them for who they are. If we are not accepting them for who they are and it's bothering us so much that we decide we don't want them in our lives anymore, then, love is definitely not blind.

But I have a question-Why do we want people to change for us? What good comes out of making someone who doesn't treat the special days of the year with extreme emotion, to do that...just coz that's how we like it? If it doesn't come naturally to the person wouldn't we be better off not having them do it JUST for us? Hence I ask again, why want someone to change?

When things get rough people talk about how they've changed so much for the person they love and complain about how they've been the only one changing. I often feel that we are so selfish and too full of ourselves to see how much the other person has also changed for us. We do not, in other words, give people enough credit for how much they've changed.

'Change' thus is very dependent on perception and will therefore always be an overrated word. No amount of change that someone makes for us will ever be enough and would only for all we know, at the end, be perceived as no-change. Expecting people to change for us is therefore I think, being unrealistic. Coz as much as how no amount of change is ever amount of credit we're given for it, if at all, is also ever good enough. How many times have you felt like you've really changed for someone, like moved mountains kind of changed, only to be told - 'what rubbish, you're still the same'?

It is just a lot simpler to not expect people to change. There is greater strength in being able to accept people for who they are...and in living with the ability to ignore some of the stuff that annoy you about them.

And hence, these lines will always be some of the most beautiful lines I'll ever know,
'God, give me the strength to change the things I can
The courage to accept the things I cannot
And the wisdom to know the difference.'


  1. *Sigh* Very, very true! Trying to change people is a HUGE no-no and largely a very futile exercise. Accept them for who they are; otherwise go looking elsewhere.

    Good to see you back here, by the way. =)

  2. Hehe yes, back after six long months! Thank you for not losing track of my 'blog' =)

  3. We shall discuss another topic soon, so that you can make another blog entry soon. ;)
