Aug 4, 2010

Training the mind

'I will NEVER....' It's a line we say so often. Although most of the time we might not really intend on meaning it with the same passion that it might be said with, we still say it. Of course you're wondering, so? What's the harm? Tough luck strikes when you're faced with necessarily having to do that one thing which you said...'I will NEVER..' to. But we can do it. It's all about training the mind.

We have dreams. We dream big and we hope that everything turns out the way we want. We make maps of our lives, chalking out every turn and juncture. Okay, maybe all of us don't do this and I'm just a little over ambitious. But my point is we have in our minds, if not out there in the open a plan for ourselves. We strive towards making this plan work, doing whatever it takes.

But then, CRASH! Things don't go the way we've planned and our worlds come crashing down. And then sorrow prevails. We struggle in despair and hopelessness, cursing ourselves for not working hard enough. Wait a minute, did we really not work hard enough? Or are we just being too harsh on ourselves? We search for answers to the depressing turn our lives have taken. And no. We get NO answers. Absolutely none. The 'forces' we believe in will not grace us with their mysterious appearances and give us answers.

We moan about the unfair world and hence our unfair lives. It's true we rarely get what we deserve. We wonder what the 'forces' are doing when they give things to the wrong people! Wait, who said they are the wrong people? We question everything-our goals, our choices, our means, our ends. Where did we go wrong? May be we never did. Yet, we question endlessly, breeding pessimism.

I believe there are two kinds of 'we'. One, those of us who believe in the forces and how things are meant to be and two, those of us who believe that everything is a choice we make.

Here's the mind training- for the first set of us, we should never really engage in self loathing and questioning. Coz come on, wasn't that how it was meant to be? How could we change it anyway? And if that was how it was meant to be, doesn't it have to be for the best?
For the second set of us, if everything is a choice we make, then we should just trust that our choices are always right. If we regret a choice much later, we must remind ourselves of the reasons why we made the choice. I can sure as hell assure you that you will find a reason to believe that the choice was well made. There was something at that point of time that made you make it. And it was worth it. If it was worthwhile then, it has to be now as well.

The magic lies in training our is actually not that bad!


  1. I needed to read that. Great timing, Rem. You read my mind!

  2. dude i love the way youve put this. youre so right. life is uncharted territory and everything does work out whether were set A or set B. an excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent post.

  3. I love your school of thought right now. "The magic lies in training our is actually not that bad." :)

  4. Dude, that last line! EXACTLY how I function!
    And for whoever reads this, I would like to tell them that it actually works! Life is only as bad as you think it is.
