We think we are so many things. Fact is we can be all the things we want to be. But the fact also is, there are many things we live in a bubble of thinking we are, only to find out we're not.
Before diving into the world of 'work', the way I saw myself- the passionate, obsessive and compulsive sort, I knew I would be a workaholic when someday my work life would begin. But turns out, I'm not quite what I thought I was. And I found out the hard way. But there's this sweetness in finding out things the hard way...a sense of glory you feel because you found out on your own.
I read somewhere that human beings are the only living beings who have the ability to learn from other's experiences. True. We can be spoken to, told the right and wrong ways of doing things, learn from other's mistakes, learn from other's achievements... But what if some of us want to learn from our own mistakes? What if for some of us learning the hard way IS the only way the lesson sticks? What if for some of us we would rather hurt ourselves finding out the 'bad' way than by plainly seeing and hearing?
Consider this,
X: I made a mistake, and that's why I'm pushing you so hard...because I don't want you to make the same mistake.
Y: There you go. Maybe I'm just like you. I'll only learn if I make the mistake myself.
X: But I didn't know better then and I do now. That's why I'm telling you...
Y: I don't know any better now. But I will if I make the same mistake...let me make it. Let me find out on my own.
And anyway why do people mostly assume that we will make the same mistake they made? Maybe we can do things differently, maybe we will come out successful from something that someone else failed in and maybe, we might learn a completely different lesson from what someone else learned. So isn't it worth a shot?
We will be told the right ways of doing things. We will be told how to do things in ways that would hurt us the least... Let them tell, it's their duty to tell. It's also part of a responsibility of the role they play in our lives. At the end, it's always our choice, what we want to do and how we want to do it. If learning from your own experience is your kind of thing, Go For It.
This made for some good food for thought. Interesting read.