Apr 30, 2010

So, judge me not!!

We all know what is best for us. We've learned this from our experiences.

You might not be that person in class who is outwardly excited about everything. You might not be that person who is passionate about something and makes an obvious exhibition of it. You might be comparatively passive BUT that does not mean you are not interested. That does not mean you are not here for a reason.

Would you rather be an all talk, no work person or someone who talks less, but shows though her actions?

Someone said, 'I really don't understand how and why some people are even doing this course...they don't deserve it.' Who are we to decide if someone deserves something or not? Maybe that person has plans for himself, that he does not want to make aware to you. Maybe that person has so much talent but has something else going seriously wrong in his life...and hence he looks less deserving to you.

At the end of the day, we all have a reason for being the way we are. We all behave the way we do because we know that behaving in a certain way works best for us.
If being loud about everything works for you, good for you. Being passive, probably works for someone else. Hence lets not make judgments about people.

Because, as far as your achievements in life go, your ends justify your means.


  1. Ahhh Remya. I so relate to your train of thought, it always seems to run parallel to mine. =)

    I'm of the opinion too that everyone has a backstory. Who knows what's going on out there. I'd be lying if I said I don't judge people blindly myself but I do try my level best to not jump into conclusions without any reasoning.

    And experience has taught me that still waters do indeed run deep. =)

  2. wow this sounds a lot like a conversation you and i could have had in class. and boring, by far, remains one of the most judgemental people I know..hmmm... does that make me judgy now :P
