We think we know who are the people in our lives that are going to stick (forever?), until a ‘fall-out’ happens with one of the persons we thought was going to be a constant in our life. This fall-out certainly does not wipe out all the past times during which this person may have been a strong part of our life… when he/she stood by us through our roughest patches and…. They all still stand. Because while it lasted, it was good. So let’s not cry that it’s (probably) over but smile that it happened.
But on that positive note I can’t help but question what does such a fall-out hold for the future? We cannot, however egoistic or least expecting of people we might be, not cringe at the thought of that. After all, this person was special and that is to begin with, the only reason we care so much. Would I care so much if such a thing happened with an acquaintance? Hell No.
But what can you do if the person stops talking to you once and for all, without giving you a reason? And what if at that point after the fall-out you learn new things about the person you held so dearly in your life? Things like, all along the person was intimidated by the very person you are. How can a matter so intense not have come up before? Or is apparent friend bringing it up now just coz he/she is running out of reasons to explain the scenario that caused the fall-out? How was such a deep relationship formed in the first place if the person had such issues with WHO you are?
We might never know. And like I said when I started off, in such situations we must just be happy with what ever it was that we had with the person. This takes great tolerance I know but keep telling yourself that it was good when it lasted... and that it left you with a whole bunch of beautiful memories. Make peace with yourself.
Because such is life. Such are people. Strange circumstances cause people to act in strange ways. People could be full of lies and nonsense on a day. Everyone has their bad days. Although most civil people would care to explain themselves the next day, don’t feel deceived if they don’t. Not everybody is civil. But for every person in your life who brings you down and makes you feel hated and betrayed, there is another person who makes you feel like you mean the world to them. And as you get through life with people walking in and out of it…you still know deep down inside of you that there is at least one person out there who will stick forever; and be the constant. Such reassurance is liberating.
If no one else, your parents will most certainly always be there for you despite all your quirks and whatnot. That's how I pacify myself every time I feel let down by a 'chosen' loved one.
ReplyDeleteThis post, well most of it at least, is like you sat in my head and ripped a page out from the thoughts in there. I thought I was once on the receiving end of the fall out...until one day I actually sat down and tried tracing it back. So after a verbal *ahem* "discussion", it turns out that the fall out was 'mutual'.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice when you're able to think of it this way, "This takes great tolerance I know but keep telling yourself that it was good when it lasted... and that it left you with a whole bunch of beautiful memories. " Takes a lot of maturity. I tried it but it ended very bitter. :/