'Yuk I cannot imagine living with boys! They are so messy.', said my friend when I told her I live with my brothers. This friend is one of those girls whose life is pretty much defined by a boy. There is almost never a time in her life when a boy is absent. She is either in a relationship, or having the 'unofficial' going on. It was only natural for me to wonder why would a girl with so much proximity to the male gender pass such a comment.
When I got to know her better my question was answered. She does not have brothers. She has never grown up with a boy.
The siblings you grow up with are strongly responsible for who you are today. Your likes and dislikes are shaped by the people you grow up with. Amusing isn't it? Ever wondered why some girls are so adventurous and love to play pillow fights and have WWE matches on the bed? Why are some others always in want of calmer games involving zero chances of physical hurt? Try getting to know the person better and more often than not, you will find that such girls have grown up with brothers.
I remember this boy from school. He was one of the best looking boys in my class. My friends and I were always engaging in pointless, one way obsession of him. Why pointless, one way? He was so shy and reserved, you would wonder if he ever spoke a word. You go up to him and try to make a conversation with him, and he would shy away so uncomfortably that you feel like killing yourself for causing him discomfort. However this was him, only with the opposite sex. With the boys, he made an excellent friend.
Here is his sibling story- He is the youngest among three. He has two older sisters, many years older to him. When he was in school, his eldest sister was married and even had a kid. The second sister was working at the time. Although he has older sisters, they were too old to have any influence on him whatsoever. You can barely say that he grew up with them. They were more like second and third moms to him. Hence, girls for him are people he interacts with in very formal and respectable ways. He is not used to talking to girls freely, with no inhibitions.
I have noticed that girls with sisters, make friends with other girls more easily than girls who have only brothers. Confiding in another girl comes more easily to a girl who is used to doing it at home with her sister.
Girls who have brothers are usually very free and open in their interactions with boys and vice versa. They can talk and discuss anything with the opposite gender without the slightest feelings of shame and embarrassment. Girls who have grown up with sisters mostly have their reservations and are uptight about discussing many matters.
The puberty stage is handled more easily by boys who have sisters and girls who have brothers. The reason is obvious. You are growing up with someone going through the psychological as well as physical changes of puberty. You are used to it seeing it all at home and hence in the outside world, you have far lesser doubts and are also more understanding of such things.
When it comes to matters of the heart, it is really interesting to see how girls with brothers find their ideal, prince charming in a boy who is like their brother. 'I wish I could find a guy like my brother', now isn't that a line we have heard so often? The same goes for boys with sisters. 'Well, if only you weren't my sister, you would make the perfect girlfriend'.
The Siblings Story goes like this- Your personality is influenced depending on the gender of the siblings you grow up with. If you do not feel your personality is in tune with my above mentioned findings, there could be two reasons for that, either your sibling is too old or too young to have an influence on you, or you are just an exceptional case.
You know, I NEVER thought of things this way. Now I know why I have more guy friends! He he.. And well, I knew my football and action movie loves were because I grew up with 8 of them.. Nice one Rem!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to agree on most of the things here. Growing up with the opposite sex can give you a wider angle of looking at so many different aspects. With sibling of the same sex, there is a sort of comfort level that you grow into. While that has pros of a completely different kind, almost unimaginable, it might also just lead to a very 'frog-in-the-well' syndrome.
ReplyDeletespot on dude!!just that u had 2 brothers and i had one. then y the hell am i so masculine??y was i the boisterous one at school...i guess exceptions exist everywhere ,no?nihal has played a huge part in making me understand how men think ...he always tells me how to behave what to say and i get it ,that we are two different species..having a brother to guide u is super especially when u r an experi"mental" sister like me!!good job rem!
ReplyDeleteOh my my.... Thats something real insightful ....Good job rem
ReplyDeletewow!!!!!!!!!!! so many things u mentioned make me wana go like "Oh maaan thats so true"...
ReplyDeleteespecially the fact that u "eye" men who are similar to ur brothers..probably the way they dress up, interact with women, crack a joke or anything else..
Its truly a blessing to have a sibling of the opposite sex..
This is SO wonderfully written. and its REALLY true. Such true facts!! you have definitely done a good research rem! :) Good job!
ReplyDeletethe sibling story is so true. I can identify with your friend who doesnt have any siblings. I think its good research work!! Congratulations!
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ReplyDeleteAh! I've found an answer to why I have more guy friends than girl friends, also to why I get along better with guys than I do with girls. As Trishna said, that's some good research. And you're getting better with the blogs. Keep them coming. =)
ReplyDeleteAnd there it is...i always wondered what was all the immaturity and awkwardness about with a few people...Curiosity gets the better of me, so how do u explain ppl who do not have any siblings whatsoever?...
ReplyDeleteperfect.. i grew up with two siblings. Six years older brother and six years younger one. I played cricket with my building friends- all boys. I so know what you mean !! :):)