Why are we trying to prove to people that we are not shallow? Why are we trying so hard? It is perfectly fine to accept that looks matter. It is. I will in fact have a lot of respect for you if you make such a comment. Simply because, such honesty is like a breath of fresh air. In a world where everyone is trying to define their personal beliefs for themselves, in such a way that it does not hurt the sentiments of a hundred other people…and live life in ways that will keep everyone happy, when I unexpectedly come by someone who can make such a comment with effortless simplicity it really is like a breath of fresh air.
It is the looks that make a first impression since it is the first (and the only) thing that is out there for others to see. I am not discrediting the power of facial expressions or body language; I am just saying that these things are secondary. The first thing you see about a person are the looks. Come on, get down to accepting that already!
You may want to say a million things like- you don’t decide if he is a good or bad person by his looks, you don’t decide if he is a snob or not, you don’t decide if he is smart or not, etc. So you are right. I really hope you don’t do any of that coz that would just be unfair. No body said that looks are the be all and end all. But looks are what we first base our normal human judgments of other people on. Very often after getting to know the person, our impressions change. These changes could be for better or for worse…but it still all comes down to the fact that to begin with, the looks were what you noticed first. And during that brief period of time when you did not know the person, you made a few mental notes of what he seems like BASED on the looks.
Attraction is directly or inversely proportional to how one looks. When you find someone good looking, that’s the first thing that gets you attracted to the person. Many relationships have been built on the foundation of looks. As much as you say that you want ‘man who treats you right’ or ‘man who understands your shortcomings’ or ‘man who has 5 bedrooms’, the truth is that you only start thinking of a (prospective) man at all, after Stage: Attraction (i.e. after you are convinced he is good looking). Here I’d like to add good looking according to your standards. If you think he is good looking that’s enough. There is no need to convince the world about it.
If you are in a relationship and want to argue with me by telling me that your boyfriend is not good looking yet you are with him, I’m not going to believe you. Because I’m going to believe that he is good looking according to YOU and that’s why YOU are with him; it’s just that other people may not think he is, and hence you say that. If you are going to argue saying that you’re boyfriend is too good for you and if it was about looks he would definitely find some one better…I’m just going to ask you to shut up and pull up you’re self esteem. Also wake up, I think it is about time you realized that YOU ARE your boyfriend’s-type-of good looking! If you are just going to say that it never was about looks for you and your boyfriend, I’m sorry I think you are lying to me. And to yourself.
Any other arguments please bring them on!
Yes beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But do not dishonour the eyes for the indispensable role they play.